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  • Dear Stories: Tales and Talks[Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center Primo Hall YUTOROGI]

Art Brut 2023 Touring Exhibition
Dear Stories: Tales and Talks [Special Event]
Talk and Online Tour

Sunday, 26 November 2023 : Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center Primo Hall YUTOROGI


【reference image】KAMAE Kazumi, Me and Masato going to eat ramen, 2021,  Collection of Atelier Yamanami, Courtesy of Atelier Yamanami

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a special event of Art Brut 2023 Touring Exhibition Dear Stories: Tales and Talks in Hamura City. In the first half of the one-hour event, the curator will introduce Art Brut. The second half of the event will be connected online to venue1 (Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery) where the exhibition is actually being held, you will be able to see the venue and hear about the artworks from the curator in charge of the exhibition in Shibuya.

 *Conducted in Japanese.  

TitleArt Brut 2023 Touring Exhibition
Dear Stories: Tales and Talks [Special Event]
Talk and Online Tour
Day and time Sunday, 26 November 2023  2:00pm-3:00pm
Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center Primo Hall YUTOROGI
Admission Free
40 participants *Registration required. In the order of arrival.
How to apply
Application period : Tuesday, 17 October 10:00am - Wednesday, 22 Saturday, 25 November 2023 5:00pm
*The application period has been extended.
[Priority will be given to those who applicant in advance, but  same-day participation will also be accepted. ]

042-570-0707   Hamura City Lifelong Learning Center Primo Hall YUTOROGI

Please use the application form below.
Organaized byTokyo Metropolitan Government,
Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture
Cooperated byHamura City Board of Education
Toyko Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery : Art Brut 2023 Touring 1126 Hamura City Event
Email:skdg-event2023(at)mot-art.jp    *Please change (at) to @.

Art Brut 2023 Touring Exhibition Dear Stories: Tales and Talks Overview

The information will be announced on the [Art Brut 2023 Touring Exhibition Main] page.