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  • Accessibility



There is no parking available at the Gallery itself. If visiting by car, please use a parking lot in the vicinity.

Escalator / Elevator

There is a wheelchair elevator located beside the stairs at the Koen-dori Entrance.
Please use the intercom to notify us of your arrival. If you contact the Gallery ahead of your visit, the equipment can be prepared to make your entry to the Gallery smoother.

Universal Restroom

There is a universal restroom on the 1st Floor of the Shibuya Workers' Welfare Hall.

Diaper Changing Facilities

There is a diaper changing table in the universal restroom.

Writing Tablet

Writing tablets are available at the reception counters of the galleries and the Interactive Space.

Wheelchair Lending

If you need to borrow a wheelchair, please speak to someone at Reception or a Gallery staff member.

Service Dogs, Seeing-Eye Dogs, Hearing Assistance Dogs

These dogs may enter the Gallery with their owners. 

Braille Guidebook

Braille Guidebooks are available at the reception counters of the galleries and the Interactive Space.