
Booking Form

Please fill out the Booking Form and press the ‘Confirmation’ button. Tokyo Shibuya Koen-dori Gallery will reply a booking confirmation by E-mail. Please contact us in case you do not receive the E-mail.

事業名 | Program 交流プログラム
イベント | Event 東京都美術館との連携プログラム「ダンス・ウェル」(1月18日)
日時 | Date & Time
※必須 | Required

参加人数 ※1回のお申し込みにつき、お一人様のみ申し込み可能です | Number of participants * Only one person can admit the application for this event.
参加者氏名 | Name of the participant
※必須 | Required
※必須 | Required
※必須 | Required
E-mail (確認 | For Confirmation)
※必須 | Required
電話番号 | Phone Number
年齢 | ages of participant 
お住まいの都道府県 | Residence area
■お手伝いが必要な場合は内容を記載してください。| Please describe what information guarantees and assistance if you will require.
■SNSや公式HP等広報媒体での記録写真や動画の掲載について | Please select the check box agree or disagree to the publication of photos and videos on social media, official websites and other public media. *必須| Required 

備考 | Notes



*Order of arrival. We will close as soon as we reach capacity.
*Please be sure to write your E-mail address or Phone Number that we can contact you on the day of the event.
*Photographs and videos taken at this event may be published on the exhibition, the gallery's social media (Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.), and the artists' social media, in addition to being used for documentation purposes. Please understand this in advance.
*If you have any questions, please write them in the note section.
*If you do not receive the automatic reply email "Application confirmation" after applying, please contact us using the contact information below.

